Angola Inventory Management System

Open Source Custom Development

GDPOS provides a comprehensive Angola inventory management system, Angola cash register system, and Angola ERP software source code, covering procurement, inventory, sales, and financial management. It offers businesses an efficient one-stop solution in the Angola market. Our system has powerful built-in functional modules that support custom and secondary development.
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Super Easy-to-Use Inventory Management System

An all-in-one inventory management software that integrates purchasing, sales, stock, accounting, and customer management

Convenient Order Placement

Retail Cashiering

Print Template Design

Application Marketplace

Physical store retail cashiering, scan to order, supports multiple payment methods such as Alipay, WeChat, and cash, with automatic voice broadcasting

Rich Business Modules, Meeting Diversified Needs

An integrated inventory management software that includes purchasing, sales, inventory, accounting, and customer management
Multi-Store Management

Achieve unified management of multiple stores, supporting both directly operated and franchised stores

Multi-Warehouse Management

Enable separate inventory management for stores and warehouses, with the ability to add multiple warehouses

Shelf Life Management

Support for enabling shelf life management of products, such as in the food and pharmaceutical industries

Batch Management

Support for enabling batch management of products, allowing traceability of each batch of goods

Multi-Unit Management

Enables the management of multiple units for the same product, with inventory calculated per unit

Bundled Product Management

A bundled product can include multiple sub-items, with inventory automatically reduced upon entry and exit of sub-items

Employee Performance Management

Enables the tracking of employee performance, with options for different commission models

Data Recovery

Automatic daily backups, recovery of lost data, ensuring comprehensive data security

Automated Marketing

Intelligent messaging for customer care, holiday greetings, and reactivating old customers

Pricing Levels

Different pricing discounts can be set for different customers, with automatic price retrieval when making orders

Business Reports

Includes best-seller analysis, sales statistics, and business profit statistics, offering a variety of statistical reports

Print Templates

Supports custom design of print templates, developed based on the Lodop printing component

Empower Developers, Accelerate Digital Transformation of Enterprises

Everything for developers! Save development time, reduce reinventing the wheel, and improve development efficiency; help enterprises achieve digital management!
Empower Developers and Accelerate Enterprise Digitalization

Ride the long wind and break the huge waves, hang cloud sails to cross the blue sea

The best time to plant a tree was ten years ago, the second best is now; We hope our open-source project can provide a little help for the digital transformation of Chinese enterprises!

Copyright © ShengYiYunLian Technology All Rights Reserved ICP Record 2021008869-4

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